Monthly Archives: January 2013

Song List now available and other stuff

N.W. Ukuleles most recent get together was on January 8 at Charlie’s Pub and Eatery in Edinboro.  There were roughly 15 + members in attendance and lots of fun was had.

I am pleased that Drew Danielson III is working as our webmaster to help me in keeping these files updated.  Check out the song list and the printable files there to get your song pages up to date.

The next regularly scheduled get together is Tuesday, February 12 at Charlie’s Pub and Eatery from 7:00 – 9:00.

Think about getting there early and having dinner before we pick & sing.  Song list for this get together will be members choice from those songs already on the list.  Time to work on strum patterns and rhythm.

Looking forward to seeing you there.